E-Mail Services
In the Cloud or at your Office
Whatever your e-mail requirements are, Oscura can cover it. We manage e-mail solutions for businesses between 1 and 100 employees. Cloud based e-mail may include simple POP/IMAP accounts at Oscura's hosting centre, or more fully featured Hosted Exchange accounts. Oscura are Microsoft Cloud partners and can manage and support your e-mail accounts on your behalf. Some businesses prefer to keep e-mail on their own in-house e-mail server, or there may be technical reasons to do that. Oscura can install and support Microsoft Exchange Server at your premises.
E-Mail Protection - Filtering Spam and Virus
Oscura's service is designed to block unwanted "spam" (junk e-mails) and to protect your business - giving you confidence in the contents of your in-box and freeing up your time and resources.To discuss e-mail hosting and Exchange server options please contact us.